Initially the game of Cricket was controlled by the former Orissa Athletic Association. The Orissa Cricket Association was formed in the year 1961, which was registered under the Society Registration Act 1860. So also the Constitution of the Association was framed. Subsequently the constitution was amended in July 2002 keeping in view of the present need. The Orissa Cricket has its Head Quarter at Cuttack Babarabti Stadium Complex. It got its affiliation under the Board of Control for Cricket in India during the year 1960-61 Vide Regd. No BCCI/346/44. The Orissa Cricket Association is functioning as a State level Association as per the provisions of its constitution vested with power to control the game of Cricket through out the State of Orissa and to do all such acts as deemed necessary to attend to the Aim & Objects of the Association. It has got its General Assembly composed of representative of all affiliated organizations (such as District units, Clubs, Colleges, Schools and the Government / Other agencies). Then comes Executive Council consists of elected office bearers, member representatives of the affiliated units. Secretary being the Executive Head with three Jt. Secretaries and one Treasurer. Besides there are 217 numbers of Associate members (without voting rights). The Association has got 148 State Pannel Umpires and 1 BCCI Panel Umpire. After construction of the four-root lane, transport ha become easier between the twin city Cuttack and Bhubaneswar. From Hotel to the playground it takes hardly 25 minutes. Besides Star Hotel facility, All India Air link & Rail transport facility are available. The sole aim and object of the Association is to develop the game of Cricket & Cricketing affairs in the State. It conduct Coaching Camps, Inter-District tournaments for all age groups, School Tournaments as a routine feature. It aims to trace out hidden talent from the grass root, depute players to National Cricket Association, Bangalore, Zonal Cricket Association, Kolkata for sepcialised training. Association releases Grants to all its units for Cricket Play and its development. By its sincere effort and earnest endeavour try to see that Orissa Cricketers of different age groups find place in National & international level.