OCA changes dates for elections

Orissa Cricket Association (OCA) made certain changes in the schedule of its annual general body meeting and elections to be held on August 17. According to the revised schedule filing of nomination will take place on August 1, followed by scrutiny on August 2 and withdrawal of candidature on August 4. Earlier on July 14, a council meeting of the state body had set the dates of these three programmes as August 6, 7 and 9. According to OCA secretary Asirbad Behera, the schedule was revised to abide by article-19 and 21 (b) of the constitution, which requires a minimum gap of 15 days between the dates of nomination and polling. However, voting will take place according to the earlier date, i.e, August 17. OCA, meanwhile, finalised the list of valid voters and the number of posts for the ensuing elections. According to the list, altogether 148 members can vote, while 143 can contest as well. Polling will be held for a total of 17 posts, which include: president (1), vice-presidents (total 8 and at least four from outside Cuttack), secretary (1), joint-secretaries (3), treasurer (1) and council members (total 3 and to be elected from Class-II clubs).

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