India Under-15 Boys Football Team, featuring Odisha players Ranjan Soren and Aula Siba Prasad, rode on a brace by Sridarth Nongmeikapam to hold Slovenia to a thrilling 2-2 draw in their third and last Group-C match of the MI-15 Tournament (2019 Torneo delle Nazioni) at Palmanova in Italy today.
The Indian team, thus ended its campaign with one draw and two defeats. India started campaign with a 3-0 loss against United States of America. This was followed by 3-1 drubbling against Mexico. Sridarth Nongmeikapam scored the only goal for India against Mexico.
Both Ranjan and Siba were given berths in the starting line-up of the all three matches. Siba is an inmate of Government Sports Hostel, Phulbani and Ranjan belongs to Saliasahi in Bhubaneswar.
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