Tamil Nadu Grand Master R R Laxman and Odisha International Master Rakesh Kumar Jena emerged champions and runner-up respectively in the 4th Triple `C` All India Open FIDE Rating Chess Tournament, which was held at Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor Stadium, Cuttack from 17 to 21 April, 2019.
Laxman gathered eight points out of a possible nine to take home the top prize of Rs 1,00,001. Jena also scored eight points, but settled with the runner-up prize of Rs 65,000 on the basis of Buchholz Tie-break score. Himal Gusain of Western Railway pocketed the third prize of Rs 50,000.
A total of 273 players from 19 states participated in the tournament, which was organised by Triple `C’ Chess Club, under the auspices of All Odisha Chess Association (AOCA).
The tournament was inaugurated by AOCA secretary Debabratta Bhatta, while Rotary District Governor Soumya Ranjan Mishra graced the closing ceremony as chief guest. Triple `C’ Chess Club president Kamalakanta Bisoi, secretary Biranchi Narayan Sahoo and chief arbiter Suresh Chandra Sahoo were present on the occasion.
FINAL RANKINGS (Top 10): 1, GM RR Laxman (ICF, 8), 2. IM Rakesh Kumar Jena (ODI, 8), 3, IM Gusain Himal (W RLY, 7.5), 4. Arindam Mukherjee (WB, 7.5), 5. Ansuman Samal (ODI, 7), 6. VF Toshali (AP, 7), 7. Baivab Mishra (ODI, 7), 8. Ayushh Ravikumar (TN, 7), 9. Mushini Ajay (AP, 7), 10. IM Somak Palit (WB, 7), 11. Rakesh Kumar Nayak (ODI, 7).
PHOTO: Top three prize winners with guests and tournament officials in Cuttack on 21 April, 2019.
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