Abhishek, Pratyush salvage pride in AITA tourney

Abhishek Mohapatra and Pratyush Mohanty salvaged pride for host Odisha, winning the under-18 boys’ singles title and finishing under-18 boys’ doubles runner-up respectively in the AITA-OTA Championship Series Tennis Tournament, held here at Kalinga Stadium Tennis Complex from January 22 to 26, 2018.

Organised by Odisha Tennis Association (OTA), the week-long tournament, featured competitions in under-14 and under-18 categories for boys and girls. Out of a total of seven titles, Odisha won just one when local boy Abshek Mohapatra overcame S Saran of Tamil Nadu in U-18 singles final that lasted three and half hours. This was Abhishek`s first AITA title in U-18 singles category.

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