Odisha girl Debi Singh was crowned strong woman of the Junior National Powerlifting Championship, which was held at Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu from January 7 to 12, 2018. Mayurbhanj powerlifter Debi one gold medal each in 52kg unequipped and equipped category with total lifts of 347.5kg and 400kg respectively.
The impressive performance of Debi also helped Odisha lift the women’s team title with a total of 10 medals which included five gold, one silver and four bronze. Among other women lifters from Odisha, Seemarani Singh, Laxmimani Singh and Priyadarshini Bisoi secured one gold each, while Bharati Patra and Ripali Palei claimed one bronze apiece in unequipped category. Priyadarshiini also captured one silver in equipped category.
Among male lifters of Odisha, Basant Maleka and Prakash Kumar Behera bagged one bronze medal each in unequipped category of the Junior National Championship. The Master National Championship, which was held simultaneously at the same venue, fetched Odisha three medals.
Basant Kumar Bindhani and Rajendra Parida won one silver each, while Sujit Kumar Giri pocketed one bronze in unequipped category. Odisha Powerlifting Association fielded a 20-member state squad, including two coaches and one manager in this championship.
Debi Singh: Gold in 52kg (squat 120kg, benchpress 75kg, deadlift 152.5kg, total 347.5kg).
Seemarani Singh: Gold in 43kg (squat 75k, benchpress 45kg, deadlift 107.5kg, total 227.5kg).
Laxmimani Singh: Gold in 47kg (squat 90kg, benchpress 62.5kg, deadlift 135kg, total 287.5kg).
Priyadarshini Bisoi: Gold in 72kg (squat 140kg, benchpress 77.5kg, deadlift 175kg, total 392.5kg).
Bharati Patra: Bronze in 43kg (squat 65kg, benchpress 40kg, deadlift 102.5kg, total 207.5kg).
Rupali Palei: Bronze in 47kg (squat 95kg, benchpress 55kg, deadlift 127.5kg, total 277.5kg).
Basant Maleka: Bronze in 53kg (squat 150kg, benchpress 85kg, deadlift 160kg, total 395kg).
Prakash Kumar Behera: Bronze in 83kg (squat 185kg, benchpress 125kg, deadlift ???, total ???).
Basant Kumar Bindhani: Silver in 93kg master-2 category (squat 180kg, benchpress 112kg, deadlift 245kg, total 497kg)
Rajendra Parida: Silver in 105kg master-2 category (squat 150kg, benchpress 115kg, deadlift 190kg, total 455kg)
Sujit Kumar Giri: Bronze in 59kg Master-1 category (squat 100kg, benchpress 90kg, deadlift 145k, total 335kg).
Debi Singh: Gold in 52kg (squat 165kg, benchpress 80kg, deadlift 155kg, total 400kg).
Priyadarshini Biisoi: Silver in 72kg (squat 200kg, benchpress 110kg, deadlift 180kg, total 490kg).
PHOTO: Members of Odisha powerlifting squad with their medals in Bhubaneswar on January 14, 2018.
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