Host KIIT University lifted the trophy in the 18th National Cities Team Chess Championship, which was held at smart village Kalarabanka in Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha from August 6 to 9, 2017. The KIIT team, consisting of IM Swayams Mishra, IM Sekhar Chandra Sahu, WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty, Utkal Ranjan Sahoo and WFM Saina Salonika finished at the top of the table with a total of 22.5 points from seven rounds of four games each.
Out of their 28 games, KIIT won 21, drew three and lost four. KIIT defeated Cuttack-2 (Odisha) 4-0, Puri-Junior (Odisha) 3-1, Bhubaneswar-1 (Odisha) 2.5-1.5, Cuttack-Senior (Odisha) 4-0, Puri-Senior (Odisha) 3.5-0.5, Kolkata-2 3.5-0.5 and drew with Kolkata-1 2-2.
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