Odisha women won the bronze medal after losing to Uttar Pradesh in the semifinal of the 11th Junior National Soft-tennis Championship, which was held at Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) from February 8 to 12, 2017.
According to Odisha Soft Tennis Association general secretary Mohammad Azam, the Karisma Kisan-led eight-member Odisha women team beat Punjab and Rajasthan by 3-0 identical margins to reach the semifinals, where they lost to Uttar Pradesh 0-3. Nathan Besra accompanied the Odisha junior women team as coach.
ODISHA JUNIOR WOMEN TEAM: Karisma Kisan (Captain), Kumari Himirika, Chudamani Soren, Basanti Muduli, Basanti Marandi, Sujata Singh, Saraswati Bindhani, Diptimayee Bhoi.
PHOTO: Bronze medal winning Odisha junior women’s team in Bhopal on Feb 12, 2017.
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