Trail camp for Odisha sub-junior boys football team

Keeping in view next month’s the Sub-junior National Boys Football Championship, Football Association of Odisha (FAO) has announced to conduct the preparatory-cum-selection camp for State sub-junior boys team at Cuttack from November 10.

FAO has set following eligibility criteria for players to join the camp:
*     Players should be born in between 1st January 2003 and 31st December 2003.
*     They should bring original birth certificates, issued within one year of their birth, issued by Municipality, NAC, Panchayat or Registrar of Births.
*     Genuineness of birth certificates should be duly certified by the issuing authority.

Players should also bring the following things with them:
*     X-Ray Elbow Joint (AP View) (should be Digital) or MRI Elbow Joint (Fusion of Medial Epicondyle to Humerus).
*     X-Ray wrist including hand (AP View) (should be Digital) or MRI wrist Joint (Epiphyseal union of Metacarpal Bones).
The above X-Ray plates along with reporting should be done by Registered Medical Practitioner of a Govt Hospital.
*     Players should come with all the playing kit.
Players interested to join the camp should report with all the above things on 10th November 2016.

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