Odisha and Bhubaneswar tennis trio Ansu Kumar Bhuyan, Avilash Mishra and Ameek Kiran Batth achieved notable success, winning titles in All India Tennis Association (AITA) titles in different tournaments today. Bhuyan clinched a double crown, emerging singles and doubles champion in the Pro Serve 50K AITA Men’s National Ranking Tennis Tournament at Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu.
In singles final, he defeated Irfan Hussain from Tamil Nadu 6-3, 6-2. In doubles summit clash, Bhuyan and his state and academy-mate Avilash Mishra thrashed Tamil Nadu combination of Irfan Hussain and Isshan Hussain 6-2, 6-4. This was the maiden AITA men’s singles title in Bhuyan, who 15 and 12 AITA mens’ ranking points in singles and doubles respectively.
Batth too came close to bagging a double, but missed it narrowly after losing to top seed and India number two Sara Dev of Haryana 2-6, 6-0, 2-6 in the under-14 girls singles final of the AITA Championship Series Tournament at CLTA Avenue in Chandigarh today. But Batth and her partner Harleen Kaur (Haryana) emerged champions in under-16 doubles category of the tournament, getting the better of top seed Princy Panchal and Priyanka Jakhar 6-2, 6-3 in the title clash.
PHOTO: Ansu Bhuyan (Right) and Avilash Mishra with their prizes in Coimbatore on July 8, 2016.
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