Gold medalist in the women 200m in the 2016 SAF Games, Srabani Nanda and men sprinter Amiya Kumar Mallick scorched the track in the Indian Grand Prix-I as they won the 100m gold medals with National record here at the J N Stadium on today.
Nanda, who was part of the Indian women 4x100m relay quartet which won the bronze medal in the 2010 Commonwealth Games, clocked 11.23sec (National record 11.38s) while Mallick stopped the watch at 10.09sec (National record 10.30s).
Odisha sprinters Nanda and Mallick also attained the 2016 Olympic Games qualification standards, which were 10.16sec and 11.32sec respectively for men and women 100m sprints. However, the timings of Nanda and Mallick were not counted. That is becase the timings were recorded manually as a power black-out in the stadium rendered the electronic timing system useless.
Nanda erased the National record of former Odisha sprinter Rachita Mistry, who had clocked 11.38 seconds at Trivandrum in the year 2000. Mallick bettered the National record of 10.30 seconds, which had been set by Abdul N Qureshi in New Delhi in the year 2010. Indian Grand Prix-II will take place at Patiala on May 7.
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