Football Association of Odisha (FAO) launched its fourth Grassroots Football Centre at Ghatikia Play Ground here today. As many as 30 children will be trained in this centre on routine basis. Introduced by All India Football Federations (AIFF), the Grassroots Football Development Program is being implemented to spot and groom young talents across the country.
The fourth grassroots centre of the state will be operated by Bhubaneswar Athletic Association (BAA) with the support of FAO. According FAO sources, Premananda Dash has been named as the coach of the new center and he will render his service on honorary basis.
BAA president Suresh Kumar Routray, secretary Dr S R Parija, eminent football coach Rama Kanta Mondal and FAO Grassroots Programme Development Officer Durga Prasad Swain were present in the launching ceremony of the Ghatikia Centre.
FAO, which recently bagged the 2015 AIFF Award for Best Grassroots Prorgamme, has been running its other three grassroots centre at Bidanasi, Khannagar (both in Cuttack) and Sundargarh. According to FAO officials, trainees of these non-residential centres are being provided with jerseys and other basic equipments. FAO has also created a pool of 174 grassroots coaches for successful implementation of the AIFF programme.
PHOTO: Office-bearers of BAA and other guests at the launching of FAO Grassroots Centre at Ghatikia in Bhubaneswar on Dec 26, 2015.
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