Odisha WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty won the title in the 5th Bhubaneswar All-India Open Fide Rating (Women) Chess Tournament, which was organised by Khordha District Chess Association (KDCA) here at Infosys campus from December 10 to 15. Employee of Life Insurance Corporation of India, Kiran logged six points in the eight-round tournament, while remaining unbeaten till the end. She won four games and drew as many to take home the top prize of Rs 75,000.
West Bengal WGM Mary Ann Gomes, Air India WGM Bhakti Kulkarni and Telangana player Goud Palle Ankitha also secured six points each. But on the basis of Buchholz tie-break score finished second, third and fourth respectively. Runner-up Gomes received Rs 60,000, while Kulkarni settled with the third prize of Rs 35,000.
General Administration and Higher Education Principal Secretary G V V Sarma gave away the prizes in the presence of Infosys Regional Manager Lt Commander Biswaji Nayak, former Police DG Sarat Chandra Mishra and KDCA secretary Subhashis Patnaik. Altogether 46 players from seven states participated in the tournament, which offered a total prize fund of Rs 3.03 lakh.
FINAL STANDINGS (Top 10): 1. WGM Kiran Manisha Mohanty (LIC, 6), 2. WGM Mary Ann Gomes (West Bengal, 6), 3. WGM Bhakti Kulkarni (Air India, 6), 4. Goud Palle Ankitha (Telangana, 6), 5. Kannamma P Bala (Tamil Nadu, 5½), 6. K Priyanka (Tamil Nadu, 5½), 7. IM Nisha Mohota (PSPB, 5½), 8. WFM Tarini Goyal (Chandigarh, 5½), 9. WFM Swati Mohota (West Bengal, 5), 10. WFM Rutumbara Bidhar (Odisha, 5).
PHOTO: Top three prize winners (L to R) Bhakti Kulkarni, Kiran Manisha Mohanty and Mary Ann Gomes with guests at the presentation function in Bhubaneswar on Dec 15, 2015.