Bhubaneswar rocked with war cries and bloody bouts as Mixed Martial Art (MMA) made a roaring debut in Odisha with Utkal Karate School (UKS) staging the fourth leg of the Yoddha Fighting Championship (YFC) at the school campus here on July 4 and 5, 2015.
Around 70 mixed martial artists from across the country, including two women and two professionals (both Odisha), participated in the two-day event, which featured a total of 30 bouts, including one for women and one for professionals.
Local favourite Biswadeb Pattnaik provided the icing on the cake when he forced his Odisha statemate Sachin Mahanta to submission in the lone pro-bout. The much-awaited bout was over in the first round itself as Mahanta of Pankaj Fight Club (Keonjhar) surrendered with UKS fighter Pattnaik`s right arm tightening his neck like a noose.
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