BHUBANESWAR 26-Apr-2010 121
Dilip Tirkey Sports Research & Development Foundation (DTSRDF) all set to organise the 2nd edition of their six-a-side hockey tournament after a gap of one year from April 28 to May 2. A total of 10 teams, including one from neighbouring Andhra Pradesh would participate in the flood-lit tournament, which offers a total cash prize of Rs 70,000. The winners would be richer by Rs 20,000 and the runners-up Rs 15,000.
Teams include Panposh Sports Hostel, SAIL Hockey Academy (both Rourkela); SAG Centre, Governemnt Sports Hostel (both Sundargarh); KISS (Bhubaneswar), Government Sports Hostel (Cuttack), Orissa Police, East Coast Railway and South Central Railway (Hyderabad).
Sea-shore Group is the title sponsor of the tournament, which is estimated to cost the organisers around Rs 3.30 lakhs. An exhibition match between girls teams of SAG Centre (Sundargarh) and Panposh Centre of Excellence (Rourkela) would be a special event on the concluding day.
‘‘This format of the competition is pupular in Europe. It requires more speed and stamina. It is played in a smaller field and produces more goals. The first edition of this tournament draw large crowds here,’’ said Olympian Dilip Tirkey, also the president of the foundation.
‘‘Reviving public interest towards hockey in coastal Orissa and providing a platform for hockey talents and stars to display their skills are the main objectives of the tournament,’’ said former India full-back Lazrus Barla.
Organisers of the 2nd six-a-side hockey tournament at a press conference in Bhubaneswar on April 26, 2010.
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