Junior National Chess gives Orissa mixed results

Seven players from Orissa experienced mixed luck in the second and third rounds of the 39th Boys and 24th Girls Junior (u-19) Chess Championship at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Chennai today. Among three girls, WIM Padmini Rout won one and drew the other to slump from top to seventh position with 2.5 points, while Aparajita Gochhikar and Adyasha Patnaik won one and lost one each. In the boys’ category, Utkal Ranjan Sahoo was the highest-placed (11th) among four Orissa players with 2.5 points. He won his second game before being forced to a draw in the third. Utkal’s statemates Anwesh Upadhyaya and Swayams Mishra won one and lost one, while Biswajeet Nayak suffered defeats in both the rounds. Orissa results (Round 2 and 3): Girls: Padmini Rout (2.5) beat Siddhali Shetye (Mah) and drew with Pratyusha Bodda (AP): Aparajita Gochhikar (2) lost to Pon N Krithika (TN) and beat R Karthikeyini (TN): Adyasha Patnaik (1) beat Sapna Kumari (Jha) and lost to B Raraswinee (Pon). Boys: Utkal Ranjan Sahoo (2.5) beat Roshan Rangarajan (Mah) and drew with Chimay Kulkarni (Mah): Swayams Mishra (2) beat P Kranthi Kumar (AP) and lost to MR Lalith Babu (AP): Anwesh Upadhyaya (2) lost to N Surendran (TN) and beat Jayavel Mugil (TN): Biswajeet Nayak (1) lost to VAV Rajesh (TN) and lost to B Kumaran (TN). Pairings (Round 4): Girls: P Rout vs J Saranya (AICF), A Gochhiar vs N Hema Priya (TN), A Patnaik vs J Mohana Priya (TN). Boys: UR Sahoo vs R Ashwath (TN), S Mishra vs Jalpan Bhatt (Guj): A Upadhyaya vs J Arun (TN), B Nayak vs E Sharath (TN).

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