Eminent hockey guru Toppo retires

After grooming many a raw talents into hockey icons, the founder coach of the Rourkela-based Panposh Government Sports Hostel (PSH), Sylvestor Toppo retired today. The tribal coach of Sundargarh district’s Lulkidihi village, which produced eight hockey internationals, including former skipper Ignace Tirkey and his younger sibling Prabod, was given an emotional farewell by his three fellow coaches and over 100 PSH youngster trainees. But, for Toppo hockey continues to be a way of life. His natural separation from hockey job is no deterrence. He aspired to serve the stick game till he breathes his last. His noiseless support to the dying game is quite unforgettable. Had it not been for ‘Toppo Sir’ Prabod Tirkey would not be where he is now. A fickle-minded childish Prabod in late 90s disgruntled of the PSH discipline moved out, but the far-sightedness of Toppo accommodated him in his house for 15 days and the rest is history. Prabod had captained the Indian team and won laurels for the country. Under his tutelage among others Annarita Kerketta, Sarita Lakra and Binita shot to prominence of senior international hockey, while the list is equally long for junior internationals including Suniti Kispotta, Solochana Kisan and Sunita Lakra. At different points of time he briefly coached hockey great Dilip Tirkey and Lazarus Barla and numerous Sundargarh-born international tribal players. As the national game in the country is destined to head for a quite burial Toppo’s contributions go unrecognised excepting his receiving the first Biju Patnaik Award for 2001-02. For his 13 initial years of government service he used to train children in rural areas in complete absence of facilities.
