Saroj strikes in Club-73 win

Saroj Kanta Patnaik scored a superb gold to help hosts Yazdani Club-73 edge out SAI Training Centre (Cuttack) 1-0 in the exciting second quarterfinal match of the 12th Satyabrata Memorial All-Orissa Day-night Football Tournament at Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar today. Patnaik`s 25-yard shot in the 72nd minute curled into the net, leaving the SAI goalkeeper tranfixed infront of the post. The Cuttack side looked slightly stronger in the first half as they came close to taking the lead on three occasions. Once a goal-bound shot bounced back after hitting the cross piece, while two other scoring chances were saved by Club-73 custodian Santosh Das. But SAI Centre failed to sustain their marginal superiority beyond the first half, while Yazdani Club-73 looked stronger and better in the second half. Libero Akshya Das played instrumental role in the Club-73 win, feeding the forwards with excellent passes and also helping the deep defence in critical situations. His superb performance fetched him the man of the match award. Earlier in the first quarterfinal, East Coast Railway faced stiff fight against Balasore Alloys before winning by a solitary goal. Mercurial striker Gyana Ranjan Samal headed home the match-winner, seconds before the half time. Railway goalkeeper Anindya Dev was adjudged the man of the match. Hockey stars Dilip Tirkey and Prabodh Tirkey graced the two matches as guests and gave away the man of the match prizes. The day`s lucky spectator prize went to Korea Marandi, who received a colour television.
